How to make payment?

Step 1: Open a browser and enter, then click on electronic bill presentment and payment.
screen capture on Paybills malaysia

Step 2: Enter your username and password, then click on Login button
screen capture on Paybills malaysia
Step 3: After login, you will see a list of new bills. Select a bill by clicking the check box under column Pay and select the payment type.
screen capture on Paybills malaysia
Step 4: Next, select your payment channel

Step 5: After payment channel have been selected, click on Pay button
screen capture on Paybills malaysia
Step 6: The sistem will prompt you the payment details entered. Click on Submit button to proceed payment. Please note, amount can be greater.
screen capture on Paybills malaysia
Step 8: Next, the sistem show you the payment details and redirect you to respective payment channel window.
screen capture on Paybills malaysia
Step 9:Next, enter the details as per required by the payment channel.
screen capture on Paybills malaysia